We are a global management consultancy that delivers exceptional outcomes and sustainable change

We are a global management consultancy that delivers exceptional outcomes and sustainable change

Downstream Oil & Gas

Increase the efficiency and value delivery of downstream assets.

Downstream oil and gas companies face ever increasing pressure to reduce costs, increase margins and revenues, and improve productivity. Given local and global competition for their products plus inability to impact feedstock prices, margins constantly fluctuate and are extremely difficult to manage.

As with upstream, availability and reliability of equipment remain key drivers. This, in turn, demands best-in-class maintenance practices during normal operations and turnarounds.

Refineries that process a variety of crudes need to deploy best-in-class operational practices to reduce off-quality product during changeovers. Refiners and petrochemical companies need to deliver on-spec products whilst avoiding quality giveaway.

We work with both refiners and petrochemical producers to analyse current performance in production, maintenance management, laboratory, turnaround, procurement, sales, warehousing and other areas of support, and identify opportunities to develop new solutions and ways of working that not only improve margins but also reduce risk to health, safety and environment (HSE).

Here’s a deeper look at what we can bring to your business.

Downstream Oil & Gas

Industry Expertise

Production Efficiency and Costs
Improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) by increasing equipment availability and reliability to reduce unplanned downtime/slowdown and maintaining on-spec product (especially during crude refinery changeovers). We also develop mechanisms to reduce quality giveaway. Our experience covers improving the efficiency of operations and maintenance, which can reduce production costs without impacting OEE.
Downstream Materials Management and Logistics
Optimise the use of materials by identifying areas for optimisation such as reducing use of materials and consumables, min/max levels, volume discounts and delivering changes to the materials management process. We also improve the efficiency of warehousing of parts and materials, thereby reducing the need for warehouse space and ensuring parts and materials are appropriately maintained whilst in stock.
Downstream Turnarounds
By analysing past turnaround performance, we look at areas such as stage gate preparation, critical path planning and procurement of turnaround parts and materials, particularly those with long lead time items. We then apply our experience coupled with past turnaround lessons learned to ensure turnarounds achieve their objectives in less time, thereby shortening turnaround times.

Deliver even more value with us today

Unlock the full potential of your downstream business today.